
Your help allows us to fight to end squatting

What does ONAO use donations for?

Thanks to donations we can help those affected most in need. For instance, there are many cases in which an owner goes to live with a relative and rent their home to earn some income, because they had run out of resources. Then his home is squatted, and not only they have lost rental income, but they also have to face supply costs while they witness how the squatters are wasting and destroying their home with impunity. The precariousness into which they fall prevent them from continuing to pay the mortgage. They do not get any social assistance because according to Spanish legislation, they are not entitled because they own a house. A squatted home that they cannot use because they have lost its possession, but not the obligation to continue paying taxes, mortgage, supplies, etc. Not being able to pay the mortgage, finally the bank ends up seizing their property and the affected person finds that they has lost everything.
We help cases like this, without forgetting the claim for damages and losses caused by the squatting to those affected.
We carry out important activism work to make known the reality of those affected and confront the speech of the squatters.

We are promoting legislative changes by informing political forces of the reality and tragedy of squatting.
We disseminate in the media the serious problems faced by those affected by squatting, both in Spain and foreign citizens who have seen their homes in our country squatted without receiving help of any kind, feeling absolute helplessness.
With your donation You are giving strength to this project in which we intend to recognize and respect the rights of those affected and we fight to end this injustice that affects so many families.